Menzies House regular Toby Jug was tasked to decipher the IPCC 5th Assessment and determine how long it would take the world to become a cinder if the population does not turn back the clock to the 8th century BC.
As the deadline approached, it was obvious that the job was too much for poor old Toby. The office hash had gone off for the long weekend, the good whiskey kept for the tax man had vanished, and even the moonshine hidden in the editor’s drawer was no more.
I caught Toby lying in the foetal position, staring glassily at the office budgie named Tony Abbott, and occasionally rousing himself trying to teach the dear little creature to whistle Colonel Bogey.
But, amazingly at the stroke of 11.34 pm he delivered what follows. Apparently, a joint effort with his cousin, Marx Lenin Jug in America. How much is actually his, is impossible to say. GC.Ed@L.
For a long time Q&A with Tony Jones has been seen as just another ABC production of farce at the majority of taxpayers’ expense. And no finer example was the recent waste of one hour in a person’s life was the occasion of Canada’s global warming guru Dr David Suzuki.
Skating skilfully in and out of the ABC’s editorial policy, Q&A claim to have a balanced audience in equal concoctions of Greens, Labor, and Liberals. Even a lobotomised monkey could fool the selection process about their political bent as they do resulting in a predictable majority of salivating hyenas programmed to dine on conservatives before they utter a word.
Not present that night was the customary “ABC balance” of five from the left versus two from the right as the panel was of Jones and Suzuki alone. Bill Gates was the only other guest to enjoy that importance. The subject was Suzuki’s pet income generator, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, the mob that assures us that the planet is stuffed and every bastard on it will be broiled alive or drowned in rising seas.
Bertel Torsten in Canberra
WHEN Christine Milne of the Greens supports Abbott's Environment Minister, Greg Hunt; when Hunt is already fighting with Resources Minister, Ian Macfarlane, suspicion gathers around the head of the new Prime Minister. It's looking increasingly likely that he will get rid of the Carbon Tax and replace it with Son of Carbon Tax, and the man to do it is Greg Hunt.
Hunt has called for water studies (called the "water trigger") on 47 large coal seam gas (CSG) and coal mining projects before federal approvals are granted. Seems reasonable on the face of it. But Macfarlane just the day before said he (Macfarlane) was intervening in NSW to fast track CSG projects claiming that it had a gas crisis. Racketty times in Cabinet ahead!
It gets worse. The much-maligned Labor looked at four CSG projects - Hunt is looking at twelve times that number.
And, Labor only did it to shut up Tony Windsor of creepy memory. Labor dragged their feet even though they knew it would not please their partners in crime, the Greens.
Hunt is not only outdoing Labor he is proud about it. He tells the world about it. He boasts about it. He puffs out his chest and denounces Labor for not administering the law.
DAVID Suzuki’s appearance on the ABC flagship program Q&A spelled the death of any credibility left in the fag end of the climate alarm movement.
The affable climate alarmist is described by his acolytes in the Australian media as “iconic scientist and thinker”. He is really the Canadian Tim Flannery, with an expertise in insects rather than mammals.
At 77, Suzuki describes himself modestly as an “elder”. But his performance indicates he only has mastered the age bit of the equation, more than the wisdom.
Read more: Via Miranda DevineAn interesting piece that articulates the view that the IPCC should be abolished.
Read More:
Jim McCrudden resurects the spectre of Bob Brown who is thought to be visiting his "fellow eartheans" from his intergalactic perch somewhere in outer reaches of the universe. GC.Ed.@L.
Professor Bron Taylor, Editor-in-Chief of the Encyclopedia of Religion, himself a devoted Green, coined the idea that the Green movement is a religion. It has beliefs and practices, characterized by a basic belief that “nature is sacred, has intrinsic value, and is therefore due reverent care.”
He believes that this green religion possesses many of the characteristics of established religions, sacred texts (books like ‘Walden’), prophets (like Henry David Thoreau, Tim Flannery and Rachael Carson), rituals (like “soul surfers” meeting the ocean at dawn) and radical “eco-terrorists” (along the lines of Jihadists.)
Which explains a lot, and why evidence, or even common sense, can’t be driven into Greens’ heads with a supercharged, trillion volt, atomic powered, diamond tipped nail gun – they are religious zealots.
Even the fact that the global warming models have more holes in them than Bonnie and Clyde does not penetrate their steel carapaces.
They have a sacred day – Earth Day – when they sit in the dark for an hour and reflect on the mystery of how climate change can cause blizzards and floods and icemelt while at the very same time it can cause bushfires and droughts and ice growth.
They have a set of beliefs known as the Green Creed, modelled after Christian Creeds.
The Carbon Sense Coalition has awarded its Inaugural Golden Fleece Award to Kevin Rudd and coal industry leaders for “flagrant fleecing of community savings" writes Viv Forbes
Its appropriate that the Golden Fleece award would recognise futile ‘research’ on Carbon Capture & Sequestration. A costly and complex process designed to capture and bury carbon dioxide gas produced by burning carbon fuels such as 'coal, oil and gas'.
It is obviously possible, in an engineering sense, to collect, separate, compress, pump and pipe gases, so new “research” is largely a waste of money. Engineers know how to do these things, and their likely costs. But only foolish green zealots would think of spending billions to bury a harmless, invisible, life-supporting gas in hopes of cooling the climate some time in the century ahead.
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