Winston Churchill once observed, “If you are not a liberal at twenty you have no heart, if you’re not a conservative at forty you have no brain.”
Much has been said and speculated about the “youth vote” – the demographic aged between 18 and 24 and to a very considerable extent a lot of what is said or claimed just isn’t supported by the facts.
There are officially 14,712,799 people enrolled to vote on September 7. Between the calling of the election and the close of electoral rolls, 624,539 people signed up yet, of those, only 3,641 were aged 18 or 19 and only 21,787 were aged 20 to 24. A whopping 47% are aged over 50.
The Young Labor Association (YLA), which likes to describe itself as the largest youth political organisation in the country says it has over 10,000 members aged between 14 and 26. The National Seniors Association has over 200,000 over 50.
By Bill O'Reilly http://www.billoreilly.com/
Thursday, May 16, 2013 Not a great week for the Obama folks, as the scandal du jour tour has firmly taken hold. Every day it seems another federal agency is exposed as either intimidating, snooping, covering up, or going to Vegas on the taxpayer dime. Zimbabwe is even making fun of us. On January 21, 2009, in remarks welcoming his new presidential staff, Barack Obama said: "Let me say it as simply as I can: Transparency and the rule of law will be the touchstones of this presidency." So what happened, Mr. President? Why so much stonewalling? |
Team America jokes seem to be the immediate comedic response to this news. However if it is serious, what should our response be?
Toby may be suffering jet lag as his jolly demeanor has turned to an attack on stupidity surrounding US politics as they grind down to the wire. An insightful assault nevertheless.
Three presidential debates watched by millions, but not one word about climate change.
Months of campaigning, billions of dollars spent on advertising, thousands of reporters digging like dogs on speed getting issues to be included in the debates. Even a terrified petition signed by160,000 demanding that the presidential debates include something, anything, to allay their panic and anxiety had no impact.
Not one word about climate change in those debates.
Well, there was one mention, but it went over both as a mocking joke and a stirring vote-for-me; ‘Obama promised to slow the rise of the oceans and to heal the planet…My promise is to help you and your family.’
That was it.
Climate change – or as it used to be called, global warming, has been mentioned in every presidential campaign since 1988 – and mentioned in all six debates. Dukakis, Clinton, Kerry, Dole, Gore, Bush, Bush(Mk2), McCain, Obama all had something to say and promises to make during the campaigns.
Four days ago, on September 11, the 11th anniversary of the Twin Towers massacre, Egyptian Muslims attacked the US embassy in Cairo; the Marine defenders were ordered to withdraw and hide, and Islam’s ancient black flag – the one used when they began the conquest in the Middle East and Europe – was hoisted in place of the torn down and desecrated US flag.
Simultaneously, Libyan Muslims attacked and set fire to the US Embassy in Libya
murdering at least four men including the ambassador who was dragged through
the streets—that’s him above, his name is Chris Stevens—and burnt the place to
the ground. Stevens apparently died in Benghazi hospital of smoke inhalation. A news report made by the Libyan
Free Press reported that Ambassador Stevens was raped before he was killed.
In each case the murderers claimed they were offended by a movie made in
America. The offence, of course, is a convenient bullshit masquerade. Certainly
they were offended by a movie they had never seen but only heard about, but the
attacks were co-ordinated to take place on September 11th for obvious reasons.
There was also an attack on the US embassy in Yemen.
The USN'S Henry J. Kaiser is one big ship. It can carry 900,000 US gallons of the stuff that powers US cruisers and fighters, that’s about 32 thousand tons of it. And thanks to the green enthusiasm that has infected the US Navy admirals, it is carrying this very moment not conventional fuel but biofuel. And biofuel only costs 650% more than diesel, $26-a-gallon compared to $3.60. The Navy budget will be blown out covering fuel that is four times more expensive; ships will be laid up to save cash.
Menzies House is the leading online Australian community for conservative, centre-right and libertarian thinkers.
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