This is what the Labor Party of 2014 now stands for. Anyone with an ounce of intelligence knows Labor are flogging a group of dead horses – refusing to allow the axing of the Carbon Tax and attacking the clear success of the Gov’ts Operation Sovereign Borders.
I can’t help but feel Bill Shorten is packing the sads because PM Tony Abbott is doing what 6 years of Labor couldn’t (or wouldn’t do) and that’s stopping the flow of illegal boats. I find it incredible that the left (Labor/Greens) are still okay for criminal groups to basically run our refugee program from Indonesia.
The facts are there for everyone to see – since establishment of Operation Sovereign Borders the Abbott Gov’t has sustained a more than 80% reduction in illegal arrivals, despite the ABC induced difficult situation with Indonesia and the constant whinging from Labor and that human wind bag – Greens senator Sarah Hanson-Young.
Labor on the other hand allowed 50,716 (pre-dominantly Muslim) illegals into our country.
That’s 50,716 places taken away from genuine refugees because Labor outsourced our refugee program to Indonesian criminals.
Labor now needs to get it thought their skulls that the vast majority of “asylum-seekers” are economic opportunists, a point that was made also by former Labor NSW Senator Bob Carr.
Labor for years said it was impossible to send back the boats and now they’re demanding details of each of the Gov’t successes. The Gov’t need to stays steadfast and continue the job they were elected to do – protect our borders.
I expect to see the Labor/Greens media arms – the taxpayer funded ABC and Fairfax Media - go all out against the Gov’t in 2014. This in itself is a good sign, as it means the Gov’t is doing what they said they would do and are governing the country properly. If Labor wants to get the reins of power again, then they need to vaccinate themselves from the Green virus and re-enter the debate at the centre. But that won’t happen under Bill Shorten tenure (nor would it under that vicious piece of work Tanya Plibersek) so failing any major political scandal, PM Tony Abbott is probably looking at 3 terms minimum as PM.
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