Explains why sheepeople join groups like GetUp!, the Greens, etc and believe BS like man-made Global Warming is real.
In the very end, however, these sheepeople ultimately become useful idiots to the governing elites and their freedom destroying propaganda agenda.
Every kid in high school should watch this movie.
This film was made in 1981, based on a true story from 1967.
A teacher explained to students what fascism and national socialism was about by immersing them into that experience without identifying it by its name.
The unsuspecting students went along and created a dedicated collectivist organization with slogans like "community," "pride," "action," and "discipline."
They traded their individuality for the sense of being a part of something bigger than themselves. They began to think, act, and feel like fascists/socialists without realizing it.
Many liked it until the teacher finally showed them a movie clip about Hitler and Hitlerjugend, telling them that this is their future with their true leader.
Then a revelation came.
The themes, the symbolics, the language, and the attitudes were just like those produced by the Obama campaign, Occupy Wall Street movement, Union rallies, and similar collectivist outfits.
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