Fears crown of thorns starfish plague will wreak havoc on Great Barrier Reef
Scientists are worried the Great Barrier Reef is on the verge of being hit by the most damaging crown of thorns starfish outbreak on record.
Sections of the reef between Cooktown and Cairns are already in the grip of an outbreak, the fourth recorded since the 1960s.
Read more: ABC News
Spicules from crown-of-thorns starfish skeletons have been found in old reef sediments which suggests that starfish have occurred on the Great Barrier Reef during the past 3,000 – 7,000 years. However, because the sediments become mixed over time and the spicules are difficult to date accurately, it is unclear whether starfish outbreaks are a new phenomenon or not.
Once again something that has been happening in recurring cycles for thousands of years gets blamed on man. I'm just amazed the climate change hoaxers have not jumped on board this one as well YET!
Posted by: Jim Witt | November 7, 2013 at 11:15 AM
Once again something that has been happening in recurring cycles for thousands of years gets blamed on man.
You mean like the collapse of the Gladstone Fishery, Jim ?
Will be interesting to see how the Reef copes with huge amounts of dredging spoil when Abbott (sic) Point gets the okay.
Posted by: Arthur Dent | November 7, 2013 at 02:20 PM
Interesting article about ocean warming at the Great Barrier Reef ... and how nature is "fighting back".
When the water gets warmer, coral releases more molecules. The sulphur gas from these molecules helps form clouds that then reflect the sun's heat back into space, cooling the surface temperature of the sea
Those who tolerate my comments will recall that, while I am a moderate accepter of the core science of CC, at the same time I have said that the biosphere (used the term Gaia - probably not the smartest term) has some surprises in store for us.
This piece may well be the first.
The ability to generate this chemical must be buried deep within the corals ancient DNA.
Maybe we have the same - don't really want to smell like sulphur though.
Posted by: AlterEgo | November 7, 2013 at 07:40 PM
The great Arthur Dent is now an expert on Ichthyology as well as his knowledge of Astronomy, Mathematics, Geology, History, Archaeology, and any other ology you can name.
It is only a matter of time before he works religion into this subject also.
Apparently Slartybartfast is the SUPPOSITORY of all wisdom.
Is there no end to his Intelligence?
Posted by: Peter Simmons | November 7, 2013 at 07:43 PM
Certainly not an expert on fish, Peter.
But I reckon this bloke knows a thing or two-
My area of expertise is in vertical transport.
(your "abbottism" made me smile)
Posted by: Arthur Dent | November 7, 2013 at 09:07 PM
I hope you keep going, Arty.
Posted by: Peter Simmons | November 7, 2013 at 09:13 PM
Peter, that means that he used to install lifts (elevators) in high rise buildings.
If however he is talking about aircraft then I will take him on any day of the week.
Posted by: Allan | November 7, 2013 at 09:34 PM
You can tell that the argument against Abbot Point is weak when the 'experts' start talking about Gladstone. You can pick the rotten fruit when watermelons compare apples with oranges.
Posted by: Ahoy! | November 8, 2013 at 11:42 AM
Peter said...
Apparently Slartybartfast is the SUPPOSITORY of all wisdom
Arthur said ...
(your "abbottism" made me smile)
You are norty Arthur!
I think the word we are looking for is "repository", as in Texas Schoolbook repository (JFK).
Posted by: AlterEgo | November 8, 2013 at 05:30 PM