Menzies House is the leading online Australian community for conservative, centre-right and libertarian thinkers.
I remember my father in the early sixties saying Fairfax Media and the ABC are a load of biased crap.
Nothing has changed in 50 years.
Posted by: Peter Simmons | October 13, 2013 at 09:51 AM
The odious mike carlton calling Abbott a bludger!! From an a**hole like mike 'I'm going to his funeral to make sure he's dead' carlton, I'd say Tony should regard that as a badge of honour!! How are mike's radio ratings going nowadays? Poor old mike couldn't come near Jonesey's numbers, so he just went off and grabbed another beer.....
Posted by: Terry | October 13, 2013 at 11:11 AM
When will these people GROW UP. 50 years in Kindergarten - unbelievable. Get some brains and stop your childish nonsense ABC/Fairfax. Anne Summers is the ugliest OLD female I think I have seen. None of her make-ups can do anything to a has-been.
Jealousy reigns supreme with this mob. Their Abbott taunts are CHILDISH and they are angry that Abbott just ignores their silly rhetoric. Just shows them up that they hate anyone with any nous and brains and who just thinks how stupid they are without any recourse to retaliation. I say again G R O W U P ABC/Fairfax
Posted by: Georgina | October 13, 2013 at 12:58 PM
At a press briefing the Australian Federal Police Chief Tony Negus upon releasing figures on illegal boat arrivals said that 550 people have been prevented from getting on boats to come to Australia from Indonesia. He went on to say that just one boat had arrived in the past week, but what did the one-eyed Fairfax Press and ABC print and broadcast?
Did they feature the AFP chief or the Immigrations Minister at the at the briefing? Did they announce the news that the boats had all but stopped? Did they highlight the fact that 550 people had been diverted from boats, at a processing cost in Australia of $180,000 each that's saved us $99M?
No, they featured a $300 travel allowance paid back by the Immigration Minister.
Truly amazing!!!!!
Posted by: Allan | October 13, 2013 at 04:44 PM
In their sick and twisted minds, they believe repeating their lies often enough will fool some low information voters, or at least make their core reader base - those "true believers" feel at ease in their alternative universe.
Posted by: Peter | October 14, 2013 at 03:34 PM