Just announced (approx. 7:45am) on Radio 2GB by Alan Jones, a note from their sales staff saying that Mercedes-Benz Melbourne had cancelled their contract between them and 2GB two weeks before Alan Jones spoke at the Sydney University Liberal Club dinner. A tinny-weeny matter not mentioned by the Mercedes communications guru David McCarthy???
GC. Ed.
Now who would've guessed it? A manipulated piece of smear emminating from the MSM designed to humiliate and coerce 2GB and Alan Jones. Sadly, just more of the same from the putrid Left.
Posted by: Abraham | October 8, 2012 at 09:28 AM
Today the SMH ran a story on Jones and immediately the comments were flooded by the same pack of gutless dingoes who pushed the BS petition in the first place.
None of them rang Jones to say it to his face.
There are legal remedies for this kind of thing. It is an offence at law to conspire to break a contract, and another to induce a breach of contract. 2GB are possibly still shocked, but the shock will pass when they have a word with their lawyers.
There is no likelihood the dingoes would oppose a claim, that's not their style to fight in the open.
Posted by: DoNotDelete | October 8, 2012 at 09:49 AM
Mr. McCarthy is just gutless - he's not done the Mercedes 'brand' any good.
Posted by: Lol | October 8, 2012 at 10:22 AM
What would you expect from someone with an agenda provided by the likes of Change.org. Mercedes would do well to terminate the employment of David McCarthy on the grounds that he is morally and ethically bankrupt.
Posted by: Wil's Wife | October 8, 2012 at 12:47 PM
Morally and ethically bankrupt?
If concluding what Alan Jones said was regugnant enough for Mercedes to not have any association with him is morally and ethically bankrupt. Then yes, we have a serious problem in this country. It's between sense, honesty and ridiculous unsubstantiated ranting.
For what it's worth, David's contract does not include a clause related to morals and ethics.
If only Alan Jones' did...
Posted by: Paul Coffey | October 8, 2012 at 02:44 PM
Yes he has. Well, maybe not with 70 yr old right wingers, but they'll all be dead in a few years anyway, so what's it matter?
Anyway, last week, because of their association with Alan Jones, i would not even consider Mercedes for my next car.
Now they appear to be somewhat more in touch with the world, i will.
Posted by: Paul Coffey | October 8, 2012 at 02:47 PM
Yeah, those damn 'left' they're always using capitalism to vote with their feet.
Imagine that, not shopping somewhere because you think the owners are vacuous partisans, how rude of those bloody leftists.
Poor Alan and his -diminishing - bandwagon. Looks like he can dish it out but can't take it back.
Posted by: Paul Coffey | October 8, 2012 at 02:51 PM
None of them rang Jones to say it to his face.
Why would they? Their 'strategy' is working remarkably well as is.
There are legal remedies for this kind of thing.
What kind of thing? not shopping somewhere because you are unhappy with the proprietor? really? I didn't realise we were really living in Venezuela!
It is an offence at law to conspire to break a contract, and another to induce a breach of contract.
"Offence at law"? What, is that a term you saw on re-runs of Ally McBeal?
Posted by: Paul Coffey | October 8, 2012 at 02:56 PM
Why would they? To show a bit of guts, that's why.
Strategy? This isn't a spontaneous outburst? Well, colour me skeptical.
"This kind of thing" is inducing a breach of contract - thought that was clear.
Inducing breach, saw on McBeal re-runs? No, during lectures at Sydney Uni Law School, later in courts after I qualified and put into practice what I learned.
Festina lente, my little marxist.
Posted by: DoNotDelete | October 8, 2012 at 04:22 PM
Paulie baby, is the Party leaving all the heavy lifting to you today?
Sarcasm isn't your forte, " infirmitate" comes to mind.
Posted by: Brobdingnagian | October 8, 2012 at 04:46 PM
Posted by: Oldman | October 8, 2012 at 05:09 PM
OMG it's McCarthyism!
Posted by: SignedIn | October 8, 2012 at 05:10 PM
I bet you can't even afford a Mercedes-much like the ragtag bunch of taxpayer bludging uni students who signed the petition multiple times.
Posted by: kraka | October 8, 2012 at 05:32 PM
"None of them rang Jones to say it to his face.
Why would they? Their 'strategy' is working remarkably well as is."
That's funny PC (no pun intended). In a years time Jones will still be raking in the millions, helping the needy and smiling at the demise of the greens and the ALP after the next election. Wonder where your hypocritical, multiple petition signing mates at change.org will be?
It's time you pack of wankers got over yourselves. He made a terrible comment, apologized for it and you think your "winning". The steam will run out of this and the swinging voters will remember the conservative apologized and the lefties got away with spewing bile with no mention of confected outrage from the MSM or the phony petition signers.
Posted by: kraka | October 8, 2012 at 05:37 PM
welcome back signedin-been keeping low mate which I guess happens when you support the most useless,inept,corrupt bunch of politicians Australia has ever had the misfortune to be governed by. Just coincidence you pop in when you think a conservative is being bashed into submission and it might work out ok for your side?
Dream on, the numbers are back to 54-46 and thats what they will be at the next election, not withstanding a couple of more rogue polls to make it interesting.
Posted by: kraka | October 8, 2012 at 05:42 PM
I guess there is a point in there somewhere.
Anyhow, "diminishing bandwagon" you say. Based on what evidence Mate? Perhaps your desire is greater than reality. I reckon you'd hope for a "diminishing bandwagon". Reality is, he'd probably maintain his market share. Why? Everybody listening to him hates Big Red anyway.
Remember, 'being offended' is a subjective reaction unique to every individual. What you find offensive, I find hilarious. So eventually the laws of the nature will ensure Jones' remark, together with this rabid mob of Laborites become but a vague memory.
Galatians 6:7 "... for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap."
And this promise dear Friend, is a two way street.
Posted by: Abraham | October 8, 2012 at 06:50 PM
Of course he will.
He owns half the business. Not many people sack themselves.
Still doesn't get around the fact that he's gutter feeding scum, who's getting a pay cut, courtesy of his own potty, bigoted mouth.
Let's not forget, if he hadn't made those comments, then we wouldn't have the pleasure of meeting on this, most noble and learned, forum.
By the way, it sounds like this change.org business has really got up your nose. Does it embarrass you that they can put together a petition with 115,000 signatures on it, when you ingrates barely struggle to raise 1000?
Posted by: Paul Coffey | October 8, 2012 at 09:30 PM
So you would find it hilarious if i said your father (dead or alive) was or will become shamed into death at the thought of you?
Posted by: Paul Coffey | October 8, 2012 at 09:33 PM
yeah...i bet you can't afford a...expensive car?!? WTF kind of comment is that mate?
Tell me, what date does Yr 10 finish this year?
Posted by: Paul Coffey | October 8, 2012 at 09:36 PM
[Removed - Violation of comments policy: personal abuse]
Posted by: Wiles Wife | October 8, 2012 at 10:16 PM
Troll, nothing more nothing less.
Posted by: Wiles Wife | October 8, 2012 at 10:22 PM
Why is that? Because i bring reality to your fantasy?
Take it easy tiger.
Posted by: Paul Coffey | October 8, 2012 at 10:33 PM
[Removed - Violation of comments policy: personal abuse]
Posted by: Wiles Wife | October 8, 2012 at 10:39 PM
So you thing that all the 70 year olds will be dead in a few years so they don't matter. Now isn't that just typical of the arrogance of leftists thinking. And you have the audacity to criticise Allan Jones?
You ignore the fact that Jones didn't have a contract with Mercedes and also that he has apologised twice for his slip of the lip, but that is not good enough for you and your leftist cheer squad.
You expect everyone to give credence to your comments but you don't even realise that how offensive your comments are.
Posted by: Wiles Wife | October 8, 2012 at 11:26 PM
"slip of the lip" now thats gilding the lily perhaps you should try writing sonnets, odes to alan WW.
call a spade a spade or be irrelevant.
Posted by: Tee | October 9, 2012 at 12:29 AM
if it was only a slip of the lip Jones would be forgiven in the aussie way, he has form im afraid and this time gone too far and as in the past is unrepentant and full of justifications and diversionary tactics. you do as well? It seems so.
Decency is the issue the man has no decency . Australians hate grubs like that.
Posted by: Tee | October 9, 2012 at 12:34 AM
How would you know what if find hilarious or not? I was illustrating a point. Human emotions and responses are unique? You follow? I'll slow down if you struggle to keep up.
Between accepting Jones' comment as appropriate on the one end of the continuum and totally offensive on the other lies a myriad of human perceptions as unique as humanity itself. You see, pretty simple stuff really.
Where you are on the one extreme of the continuum, I am in the centre. Eventhough you assumed I'd be upset should you make a comment about my father - who is still alive - in all honesty, I couldn't care less what you said about him. Dead or alive. Why? Because any comment you make merely reflects your thinking. And we are judged on what we say and do. Ask Jones.
By making silly remarks you humiliate yourself. No need for me to demand your total destruction a la Jones' detractors.
And that is the bottom line. Mollycoddled weaklings demand retribution. Man up and prove yourself better than Jones. Anything less and you are as bad as he.
Posted by: Abraham | October 9, 2012 at 04:56 AM
And you have proven yourself, on this blog, to be the pinnacle of decency? With every post your words drip with bile, and you still demand decency from Jones? Good God your hypocrisy is breathtaking.
Posted by: Abraham | October 9, 2012 at 05:00 AM
I dont even know you Paul but my sixth sense tells me you cant afford a mercedes either, unless it was a gift from mummy or inheritance from poppy. without university graduates you would be living in a cave.
Posted by: holden caulfield | October 9, 2012 at 07:11 AM
my sincere apologies to Paul, that was supposed to say I dont even know you Kraka,
Posted by: holden caulfield | October 9, 2012 at 07:13 AM
as I said Abraham you suffer from a disorder that manifests itself in projectionism, you, Abbott, Jones and others here seem to be under its thrall. The most bile laced rubbish here of course comes from thou oh fair prince hypocrite.
Posted by: Tee | October 9, 2012 at 09:27 AM
Oh, this is great, now the fascists are arguing existentialism.
Nothing means anything, man! Like totally, wh'ever.
Like our mascot can say, like, wot e wants, jus becoz. yeah, yeah, fully, yeah. everyone should be cool with that.
Words have consequences Abraham. You might consider that the next time you order a couple of chiko rolls and a can of coke.
Posted by: Paul Coffey | October 9, 2012 at 12:06 PM
I'm laughing at change.org mate. they are a nothing but a pack of dole bludgers who don't want to work. Thats why they vore ALP-more likely to see policies that will make it easy to get the dole or policies that make getting into uni easier with a HECS loan they don't pay back.
In case you haven't read the news that petition is a fraud. Skippy, Abolt,adolf hitler, heck even alan jones has signed the petition-has the thought crossed your mind that a petition that allows you to vote multiple times anonomously might be open to manipulation.
Not sure about grade 10 these days-back in the 80's they taught us to critically analyze, not walk around blindfolded following the other sheeple.
As for the sarcasm regarding this noble forum, I'll put the debating points and tone of this forum up against the sheeple sleazepits over at the drum,crikey,age,getup ANY DAY OF THE WEEK.
Posted by: kraka | October 9, 2012 at 12:33 PM
whatever floats your boat hc.I'm happy to answer any opposing point of view you may have about my post at #14-or I can offer you my point about useless university degrees and the number available these days. Your not an arts degree holder by any chance are you?
Posted by: kraka | October 9, 2012 at 12:39 PM
As for the sarcasm regarding this noble forum,...
Are you using "noble " in it's chemistry context kraka ?
Posted by: trillian | October 9, 2012 at 12:57 PM
nope, i'm using it in the sarcastic context that PC used it-because I was replying to him. Have you thought about reading the entire thread or are you ESL?
Posted by: kraka | October 9, 2012 at 01:51 PM
Tee - go get a wooly bull up-ya, I fully support AJ and what's more, I endorse his thinking and his comment. The thought police will never control what I think and say. If your offended, that;s tough titties cause I have a right to offend and you can like it or lump it.
Posted by: john neeting | October 9, 2012 at 01:54 PM
ooh a wooly bull, now thats warm and fuzzy JN. Is that some indicator of your BS? Ratbag moniker get to you did it?
Go on defending AJ go on speaking like him and slandering abusing and bullying like him. I have the right to call you out when you do as I do the blight named Jones.
I dont like it or lump it- what type of mindless ultimatum is that. You would be one of the few here who endorses and seeks to exonerate Jones on the basis of free speech. Free speech means accountability. How about you repeat his gutter statement here or in the MSm press and see how far you get. You'd be lumped orright.
Posted by: Tee | October 9, 2012 at 02:07 PM