THE High Court of Australia has effectively ruled that the Gillard government is incompetent and incapable of delivering on its most fervently-held policies and beliefs.
This is an amazing judicial destruction of a government policy; there is no grey, no political compensation and no solace for Labor in the High Court judgment ruling “invalid” the Gillard government's Malaysian solution to illegal boat arrivals.
The High court has demonstrated that from the beginning this prematurely-announced policy was without legal foundation. Australia had no grounds to send boatpeople to Malaysia without processing in Australia, no grounds to send children, and the agreement with Malaysia announced on July 25 was “not legally binding”.
While Julia Gillard has allowed images of people being put on planes bound for Malaysian refugee camps to form the edifice of her Malaysian solution, the basis for that political-inspired imagery has lacked political integrity, legislative remedy and, now, most importantly, legal force.
Make sure you click the link to read the whole piece...
The trouble is that there are serious implications for the Nauru solution here as well.
Posted by: Dressy | August 31, 2011 at 08:25 PM
Music to the ears of Indonesia's army of people smugglers.....they will be packing the boats with kids as I type.
The Indonesian government knows exactly where these people smugglers are.......and does NOTHING about them.
Their smirking politicians are probably laughing themselves hoarse over our lack of BALLS!
Posted by: bluebell | August 31, 2011 at 08:37 PM
Anyone got a number for those Indonesian people smugglers? Two more years of Labor and they'll probably be taking traffic in the other direction!
Posted by: Marksouth | August 31, 2011 at 08:54 PM
were is that troll signedin doesnt he have any witty comments about this one
what a troll
Posted by: b | August 31, 2011 at 11:01 PM
A clusterfuck in operation, and no, this green labor government have not moved to a default mechanism to execute this master stroke of policy successes, but just continue on as business as usual, says a lot for those who support or require their acquaintance.
Posted by: Dallas Beaufort | September 1, 2011 at 03:35 AM
I had a bet with a Greenie at work about 6 weeks ago that Gillard will be gone by xmas. Looks like I'll be collecting early.
Posted by: kraka | September 1, 2011 at 02:43 PM
I hope your bet included a bottle of Champers you can pop the cork in (hopefully anticipated) celebration!!
Posted by: bluebell | September 1, 2011 at 02:55 PM
"Julia Gillard's asylum seeker solution in tatters" O no, that's all the fault of Tony Abbott, Tony Abbott, Tony Abbott. And now it's the Chief Justice. Is she in cuckoo land? And the idiots who fall for it.
Posted by: Georgina | September 1, 2011 at 07:57 PM
And it is the Chief Justice's fault - anyone's fault than her own. She has the hide to say that the Chief Justice gave an incomprehensible decision - it's the LAW Julia. Because you didn't know the law, there is no need to deride the Chief Justice. This is the start of anarchy in this Country. Get rid of the arrogant woman who says she is not going anywhere. Anyone who backs her is as arrogant such as Emerson.
Posted by: Georgina | September 2, 2011 at 11:22 AM
All this storm in a freakin' tes cup. It's approx 3000 people a year - that is it. That is all. The sooner this issue gets off the front page, and is sensibly and sensitvely dealt with by both parties in this country - not exported off to any other or used as some kind of polictal football - the better off we all are. Sadly at the present time Mr Rabbit thinks a 3 word slogan is sufficent up with actual policy, and Labor prefers to follow tabloid media than their original party philosophies.
sheesh- and you wonder why we have a minority gov.
Posted by: pk | September 2, 2011 at 12:32 PM